Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gypsy "How-To" Video Part 2 - Episode~116

Featured in this Video: ZOOM, PAN, ADD LAYER, LAYER CONTROL

Hello My Creative Time Friends!;) Here is Part 2 of my Gypsy "How-To" video series! I REALLY hope these videos will help you out!  Were there any features I spoke about in today's video that you were NOT aware of? Let me know, I LOVE to hear what your thoughts are!

Thank you SOOO much for visiting my blog today! HAPPY HAPPY HALLOWEENIE!! Like I said yesterday, BE SAFE & HAVE A SPOOKY TIME!;)

P.S.  See "Gypsy How-To" Part 1 Video - HERE!


  1. Thanks so much for these videos.
    I just got mine a few days ago so I am super excited about these. Can't wait to see more

  2. Hi Emma
    Happy Halloween.
    Thanks for the video. I learnt heaps. Didn't know you could rename a layer and i always have wanted to know how to copy something on to another layer. Now i do. Thanks. Guess i should have sent you an email asking for help.
    We dont celebrate Halloween here in Aus but i hope you have a wonderful time with your family.
    Linda xx

  3. Fantastic video. I hadn't played around with the layers feature on my gypsy really much at all. It's nice to know the different things you can do with it.. Thanks, great tutorial.

  4. Great video. I actually knew how to do all of that but I know there are tons of people who don't. I accidentally learned how to duplicate items a couple of months ago and have used it a ton. It is very useful. I was able to show some people how to do that at the Cricut Swarm a few weeks ago and then in exchange they showed me how to duplicate/rename a layer. I think you are going to WOW a lot of Gypsy users with these two features. Thanks for doing it!

  5. Thanks for that great tutorial, I hd no idea that you can rename your layers or even delete them!! Thanks so much for showing us these great features on the Gypsy!!


  6. Thanks for the video, Emma! I use my Gypsy all of the time and had no idea that I could rename my layers. Great tip!

  7. Thanks for the videos! as you know I just got mine a couple of weeks ago and these videos have really helped!


  8. Thanks for showing us how to use the duplicate feature on the Gypsy when working with layers, I didn't know how that was done, now I do.
    I just finished watching your new DVD Gypsy Magic and More it was FANTASTIC! You have so much talent and so many great ideas I will use this holiday season. Thanks again.

  9. Another great video Emma. I've been working with my gypsy since September and I had no idea that I could copy an image from one page to another. Thanks again :)

  10. Hey Emma, I cannot locate your email address on your blog. I won the last challenge and wanted to send you my information so you could send me the goodies. My email address is
    If you email me then I will have your email address to send you my mailing address.

    Oh, and by the way, I got a GYPSY yesterday for my birthday!! YEA!!! Now I will need to purchase your DVDs.


  11. Thanks for another great video! You are so helpful!

  12. Wow Emma to bad I don't have my Gypsy. Your video's are GREAT!

  13. Thank you so much. I have had my gypsy since May of this year and never knew about the pan feature. I just love all of your videos you area so informative and creative. Now that I finally made a blog of my own, I have become a follower of yours. Thanks again for all that you do.

  14. Thank you Emma! These videos are fantastic!


  15. OMGosh Emma...Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!! I had NO idea you could do all that with the layers!!! AND the one thing I didnt think it would do, IT does!!!
    I wanted to be able to move an image from one layer to the next without having to go grab it again!!! You don't know how much you've done!!! My faith in my gypsy has now been restored!!!
    You're the WOMAN!
    Wendy aka, Roo

  16. I was finally able to watch video #2, thanks for taking the time to do these Emma. hugs

  17. Wow this one has a lot of new stuff I didn't know. Thanks sooo very much!!!Emma Dear!!!!

  18. This is really great, Emma. I have learned so much in just two videos. Thanks.

  19. I seriously did not know that you could rename your layers. I thought they were just programed in the gypsy! That's gonna make it so much easier to sift through multiple layers! Thanks again Emma! Awesome video!!!

  20. I never knew what the panning button was for. Thanks Emma! And I didn't know I could delete layers. I've wanted to do that so many times! Thanks Again, Emma. You are wonderful!

  21. These will be helpful to those thinking about getting a Gypsy. Does it look like something I can work with??

  22. Thank you so much for making this video. I am currently working for the 1st time w/layers and everything u covered was SO EXTREMELY helpful. I learned everything I needed!! A MILLION THANKS! Now, I'm off to watch your other videos :O)

  23. Learning new stuff, owned my Gypsy for over a year or two. LOL, thanks so much. I knew I copied to a new page before but couldn't do it again, so now I know I am not crazy and it is possible.


Thank you so much for visiting my Blog! Comments ALWAYS make my day!:)