Friday, December 19, 2014

My Creative Time's Farewell Blog Hop

Good morning my sweet friends & welcome to our "Farewell Blog Hop".
Today is a "bittersweet" day for us here at My Creative Time.  I have mentioned earlier this month that there were going to be some changes for the new year & this is one of them.  
Having 18 design team members has gotten to be sooo much for me.  My goal for the new year is to have a smaller team & that means letting some team members go :(  I have tried to make a video for this blog hop at least 3 times & just could not do it.  It was too emotional for me because this was the hardest decision I had to make.  Unfortunately this is why there is no video for you today :(

 Some of these ladies have been w/me since the beginning & I consider us family here at MCT.   So this post is going be hard to get through :'(  I decided not to do another design team call because that is a lot of work & I am really busy with my boys right now.  These ladies that are part of this blog hop today will NOT be gone forever!  They are a part of my new "Alumni Team!"  This means they will guest design for me sporadically throughout the year & they will also be part of a few blog hops!  These ladies are AMAZINGLY TALENTED & I KNOW they will be picked up by other design teams asap!  So hopefully their new teams will let them do the guest spots for me.  "My Creative Time" would NOT be the same without them!  If I could keep ALL 18 members, I TOTALLY would, but unfortunately, I can't.  So I thought having this "Alumni Team" would be GREAT! 

For this hop,  I thought the theme should be a "Friendship" theme which is very fitting for this hop.  
Here is my card I created! I wanted to do some watercoloring for it & I love the way it came out.  I thought having the butterflies hang off the card would look pretty.  Since I used soft colors for the watercoloring, I thought this card needed some vellum butterflies layered on top of the yellow & turquoise butterflies to soften the card.  To add a little something extra, I used my fun stitched edge die for the scallop edge. 

 Here is the inside of the card:

For our giveaway today, EACH ONE OF US is giving away a $15 gift card to the My Creative Time store!  All you have to do is leave a comment at EACH stop! Don't forget to leave a way for us to contact you if "YOU" are the lucky winner!  You will have until Sunday, December 21, 2014 @5pm PST to leave your comments! I will have all the winners on my blog on Monday, December 22, 2014~!

The next person in this hop is the TALENTED Miss Lee-Ann

Unfortunately something happened unexpectedly for Miss Micia. :(  So she was not able to do a project for this hop, but I still wanted to include her in this line up so we can all leave her a message anyway. 

Thank you all for stopping by & I hope you all enjoy this bittersweet hop.  

Before I leave, I want to address these ladies:

I just want to say "THANK YOU" for ALL of your BEAUTIFUL projects that you have showcased using MCT products to PERFECTION!  You are ALL SO VERY TALENTED & I know every team out there will be fighting over you! ;)  We will have our "Alumni Team" & still be a family. THANK GOD for social media....right?  Sending you ALL BIG HUGE HUGS! xoxo


  1. Love your beautiful card, Emma!!! Thank you again so very much for the opportunity to work on your team. It has been such a great experience and the family we have all become is such a wonderful benefit! I'm looking forward to sharing and creating again as part of the Alumni Design Team. Merry Christmas and happy and healthy new year! We are only a facebook post, blog comment, text away, so this is NOT goodbye! :) ♥ BIG HUGS

  2. Your card is very cheerful. I can imagine it would be hard to let your team go I like how you are having an Alumni team . Merry Christmas Thanks for the fun hop

  3. Very pretty friendship. Great Dt projects were shared this year and today!. Looking forward to 2015.

  4. The card is so pretty. I can hear you speaking and can sense your anguish. Thanks for sharing and the opportunity.

  5. Emma, this is a beautiful card! I so love how much you care for your DT members and I hope one day I can be part of a DT that shares a closeness and wonderful friendship like you all have. I am excited to see what the new year brings for My Creative Time and I look forward to seeing the Alumni Team projects during their guest spots. I would like to thank them all for sharing their amazing talents with us all! God bless you all on your future endeavors!

  6. Emma, a Bbeautiful and fitting card! The design team members that are leaving are some of the most talented ladies! I love them all! I know the future will be a bright one for them, so it is not goodbye for sure! You have such a Big Heart and I know your decision could not have been easy! Your boys and family always come first and I know these talented ladies understand your needs! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for all of us this coming year! May You, your family and all of your Design Teams past and present have an Amazing Christmas and a Fantastic New Year! The future looks bright for all of you!

  7. Forgot to enter my email address peach_n_peach at

  8. Good Morning Miss Emma I love your card it is so beautiful and I just love the beautiful swish of your water colors just so gentle and the colors so soft and pretty. Your butterflies are so elegant and beautiful as well. You truly have worked so hard and I do know that your friendship with your DT is a strong and bonded one and you definitely will forever be friends. You have such a big heart and definitely know it was an extremely hard decision on your part but girl I truly don't know how you've done it all and yes you are a very dedicated mom and family does come first!!
    Your whole DT are one group of outstandingly talented gals and they definitely will be chosen for new DT without a doubt. You are one passionate gal and we are all blest to have you in our lives. I am looking forward to what you have in store for 2015 and wish you and yours a VERY MERRY Christmas and one Fabulous New Year. YOU and YOUR DT ROCK!!

  9. Beautiful card! While I'll miss all the members of your design team I'm excited to see what MCT has in store for 2015. Merry christmas :)

  10. Opsies ... I forgot to leave my email ... Sorry
    pruttybird at comcast dot net

  11. BEAUTIFUL job as always Emma, THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything my sweet friend!!! Your the best boss lady ever...I will MISS you and being on your team. Merry Christmas to all my DT sisters.... BIG HUGS!!!! <3

  12. Awesome card!! Very cheerful!

    mimicaro9650 at yahoo dot com

  13. Great colors - looks like SPRING.

  14. Oh, Miss Emma, your card is absolutely fantastic and perfect for the occasion. I am so sorry to see these amazing designers go, but relieved to know we will be seeing them in the future! I want to thank them all for such wonderful inspiration over the time I have followed you. There is a whole lot of talent going on around here! Big hugs to you all! :)

  15. Love your card, Emma! Gorgeous for the occasion! :)

  16. Such a beautiful card! Im glad you are keeping these ladies on as alumni members as they are all fantastic! Im sure this was a hard decision for you, but will be nice to still see these ladies :)

  17. Beautiful cards!!! Wow, your decision couldn't have been easy as your design team is amazingly talented. Take care. :)

  18. Emma...what can I say. I have loved designing for you this past has been a wonderful experience and I feel extra special to call you a friend. I love your creations and products...and I so appreciate the opportunity. Love and best wishes for a very Merry Christmas for you and your family. Big Hugs...Lee-Ann :)

  19. Beautiful card. Suits your situation. Sometimes change is good for the soul.

  20. Pretty card. I love the scalloped edge. I am happy we will still see the amazing work of the Alumni team.

  21. Your card is lovely, Emma!

  22. Very fitting for the occasion! So beautiful! Very sad to see this change! All so talented!

  23. "Love means never having to say goodbye." I know we will be seeing this talent all over the blogosphere and until we meet again...que sera sera.

  24. Such a beautiful card Emma! I am SURE your heart is heavy but you are amazing and I am sure your team of girls will stay forever close! Change is hard~I am sad to see so many moving on but I understand! I wish all of them the best and for you..hang in there my friend! We are all here to support you, your team and MCT!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for such an amazing and inspirational year!
    Sherrie K

  25. What a pretty card! sorry to see some of the girls go but looking forward to what you have in store for 2015. Thanks for all do for us crafty people! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  26. OMG forgot to leave my address what a dork :)

    roxxscott at g mail dot com

  27. Love your butterflies

  28. It has been an amazing year my beautiful friend. THANK YOU for the opportunity to be on this fabulous team. I will miss you all tremendously BUT thanks to FB and blogs, we will all remain DT sisters!!!! MCT ROCKS!!!!! LOVE YOU!! T

  29. Emma, I want to Thank You for an awesome year and having me on your team!! I've met new friends and learned how supportive and rewarding it is to be part of a team! I'm looking forward to guest designing throughout the year with your amazing products!! Glad we all will still be a MCT Family!! Hugs!

  30. Another beautiful card Emma! Your design team has done such a fabulous job!!

  31. This crafting group of ladies are so wonderful and I learn so much!

  32. Love your card!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

  33. Beautiful watercolored butterfly card. I am glad these people will be on your alumni team.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  34. Emma your card is beautiful! You always rock that watercolor technique!! Thank you so much for an amazing 2014 and for allowing me to be a part of your team!! It was an absolute honor my friend!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned for 2015! Hugs!!!

  35. Ok Miss Emma...I had to save your comment for last. Words will never describe my appreciation for you. You were my original inspiration for starting my blog. Your "Throwback Thursday Challenge" was the very first contest I ever entered. And yours was also the very first contest I ever won. I have grown so much while being on your DT, both in my craftiness, as well as my outgoingness in this online bloggy world. We have had such a wonderful creative family and I have laughs and memories that I will treasure for a lifetime. And YOU...your creativity, your inspiration and your generosity will always be with me. THANK YOU for an AMAZING 3 years. I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for MCT!!! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!!! And I hope you and your DT Ladies kick some major creative booty!!! Hee ;) BIG HUGE HUGS EMMA!!!! I will never be far away if you need anything. And once again..THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!

  36. What a great hop of inspiration and so fitting for it to be about friendship. Lovely cards and creativity from an amazing team. TFS

  37. Beautiful card! I am going to miss seeing these girls inspirational projects with the new products, but I will be following their blogs to see what they are up to!

  38. Beautiful card as always, Emma. I'm going to miss these girls, they gave me so much inspiration.

  39. What a gorgeous card!! I love the colors and design!! It must have been such a hard decision for you but having an Alumni Team is such a great idea!! Thank you for a wonderful year of inspiration and fabulous stamps and dies!! I look forward to seeing what 2015 brings!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  40. Hey lady!! Wow! This is probably the hardest comment I've ever had to leave!! I just want to say THANK YOU and how truly honored I've been to be part of your team the last 4 years! I know all good things have to come to a end but in this case I just wished it was different!! I'm going to miss this team :( Hugs, Leanne

  41. So sad to hear this. But I wish them all the very best for the coming year. Such pretty projects today, as always.
    gsunshine11 @ tampabay dot rr dot com

  42. Such a beautiful card as always!! I just love the colors :)
    Farewell to some of your amazing team! They are so wonderful and have left us inspired week after week!
    Thank you very much!

  43. Gorgeous card, Emma! And the sentiment is so true! This members of this team will always be friends!

  44. Beautiful card - love the colors and the sweet butterflies.

  45. Emma, I just love the theme of this blog hop. Your DT is amazing and I have enjoyed each and every wonderful creation they have made.

  46. Your DT is amazing Miss Emma and I'm sad to see some of them go, but look forward to their GDT spot. I know how life changes, especially as your children grow so I totally understand the downsizing. These amazing women has inspired me for years as you have since the Cricut MB, for that I thank them all and you too!! I look forward to see what comes in 2015 from you. Love your theme for this hop and I love your card. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year! Hugs, Brenda

  47. Oh my Miss Emma this has to have been such a hard decision. I can't even imagine the coordinating that is involved in such a large design team. I can tell by everyone's farewell posts and comments for you here that you are all very close. It sounds like you have found friendships that will last forever.
    Emma your card is beautiful. I LOVE how you added the vellum butterflies on top. Thanks for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,
    dmcardmaker {at}{AOL}{dot}{COM}

  48. Beautiful card! I love the butterflies! I do think your design team is awesome. I have always enjoyed each and every project they made :)

  49. I decided to save this comment for the last. It was a wonderful hop, Emma. Your products were beautifully showcased at each stop, and I love your card, too! I know that each of the ladies will miss working with you, but it was very evident how grateful they all were for their time spent on the MCT DT.

  50. Oh, Emma, say it isn't so! I completely understand, but what huge inspiration these fabulous ladies have provided over the years! You definitely have one of the best team of enablers EVER! ;) Best wishes to all of them and blessings on every future endeavor!

  51. Emma, when I saw the title to your post I kinda freaked out a little. I don't know what I would do without your wonderful products. I love how your design team all has different style and they all think outside of the box. I will miss all of these talented ladies but, no fear. I follow pretty much all of them and will still find inspiration in their skills as crafters. As for you Emma I have to say you have wonderful product that is thoughtfully designed for your customers to get the most bang for our buck, Ive said it before and I will say it again I am pretty much exclusive a MCT customer I save my crafting dollars for your releases. You have assembled a great team from your manufactures, design teams, shipping dept to your customer service. Thanks again for all you do and Merry Christmas to all of you and will be waiting to see what the new year brings.

  52. Emma ~ What a BEAUTIFUL card! LOVE how bright and cheerful it is! Well you said it best we are not only friend but family! We had so many wonderful times and too many laughs to even count! I ADORE all these ladies and glad for social media and actual phones to keep in touch! Merry Christmas sweet lady!! Happy new Year too ~ yeah I am in complete panic mode here getting ready ~ LOL!

  53. Love the card and goodbye Ladies but on the flip side also will be seeing you just as much always most of you are DT' ing somewhere else. Hugs

  54. Your card is beautiful. I'm sure this was very hard for you to do Emma. Thanks to all of you for sharing your amazing projects! I have enjoyed seeing everything this year.

    cascrapper at gmail dot com

  55. Thank you for everthing you have done to inspire creativity!

  56. It is so sad to have to retire loved Design Team members...that has to be the hardest decision to make and thing to do. I was surprised at this news and happy you will have them on an Alumni Team. They all are super amazingly talented ladies. They have given so much inspiration with wonderful projects and clever ideas. Thank you all for sharing your talents!
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  57. Beautiful card Emma, love the watercolor technique and the gorgeous butterflies are perfect!
    I know these talented ladies will shine wherever they go and will always be part of the MCT family!!! Best wishes to all of them!!! :D

  58. Gorgeous card Emma, so happy these talented ladies will be guest designing!!

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