Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What a Treat Wednesday!

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome back to another "What a Treat Wednesday!" 

First of all, I apologize for my "lack" of videos thus far! ;)  I have BOTH of my boys in baseball right now & I forget how BUSY baseball season can be!  The first games started last week & they have 3 games a week!  I have to be at 2 places at once because unfortunately BOTH boys play at the same time :(  Anthony basically plays his entire game, but Baby Aaron is a different story!  There are so many boys on his team that he goes in at certain innings!  So I have a Mom over there texting me when he goes in & we run over there to his game to watch him too! lol... Let's just say that I have been getting PLENTY of exercise lately! I will have to get used this new schedule because we will have it until May!  It is SO MUCH FUN,  I just LOVE being at the fields watching the games & eating our "picnic" dinners I bring! ;)  Since every venue ONLY offers beef hot dogs (which I can't have) we just pack our own food & it's SO MUCH BETTER! 
 Well, I just want to let you know that I HAVE A VIDEO & a PROJECT for you all tomorrow!!! :) 

My team NEVER disappoints my friends!  Miss Jessica & Miss Lucia have some GORGEOUS treats for you here today!  Click on each of their names & visit each blog! 

Thank you ALL for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day my sweet friends & I will see you back here tomorrow! :)  xoxo


  1. I love what a treat Wednesday. Jessica's and Lucia's projects to are perfect to hand out for the upcoming events (St Patrick's and Easter)...just gorgeous. Emma, enjoy your boys' time of year.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Emma you are right where you need to be, doing exactly what you should be doing. Enjoying the memories you are making with your boys. Time goes by sooo fast.
    Thanks DT for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,

  4. Good Morning Miss Emma. Loved your story share....OMG I remember those days....thank goodness that their fields are at the same place. I could so picture you running back & you said lots of exercise and the fresh air does the body good....I know you'll have lots of great pics to share this year. Hope you have an Awesomely
    Wonderful Wednesday filled with lots of Crafty Fun. YOU so ROCK!!

  5. Oh you are a busy mama! Lovely treats by the team, off to check it out!

  6. Great news you are feeling better and enjoying the ball games! Your team didn't disappoint with their sweet treat projects...beautiful job. Looking forward to tomorrow!
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  7. I remember those days well Miss Emma! I was running back and forth to games between my 5 boys. Don't know how I did it now, but I did, with an infant to boot! Enjoy every minute of it because it goes by all to fast. Now all 6 of my boys are grown. The other 5 with children of their own and my "baby" is finishing up his 2 year in college. I don't know where the time went. Your design team did a wonderful job with their treat containers! Hugs, Brenda


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