Monday, May 17, 2021

MCT "Tag it Tuesday"

GOOD MORNING my sweet friends & welcome to another "Tag it Tuesday!"

First of all, my team & I took last week off to "regroup".  Remember I mentioned that I was having "lady problems", well I am MUCH BETTER NOW, thankfully it was nothing serious!
I also got my 2nd vaccine & I felt like my body got hit by a truck!  THANKFULLY I was only down for a couple of days.  When I got the 1st vaccine, I was down for almost 4 days!  So I was relieved this time around! :)  We are back now to our regular schedule & it's SO GOOD to be back to crafting, I know it was ONLY one week, but it felt LONGER than that! :)

Okay, today is the day that we create "TAG" ideas for you!  For those of you who have been following me for quite some time,  you know I LOVE creating tags! 

I have been wanting to use this Gift Card Holder Tag Die for a note holder & I did just that!

Click HERE to see my video on how I put this together! :)

I just LOVE how this turned out!  Now you can give someone a gift without including a card because you have a card & tag all in one here! :)  Remember, this can be made for ANY occasion OR holiday! 


Now, onto the TALENTED Miss Ruthie!  Click on her name to visit her blog to see what she used to create this AMAZING tag here for you today! :)

I hope you all were inspired here today!  Thanks so very much for stopping by, have a FABULOUS day & I will see you all back here soon! :) xoxo

P.S. On a completely different note, I also took last week off because I turned the big "50".  To say that this year "so far" has been the toughest year an understatement!  It can only go UP from here! 
I didn't have a big WILD party or anything, it was very low key which is how I wanted my special day to be.  So, this is me taking an "unexperienced" selfie! lol...... I have NO IDEA how everyone can get these PERFECT selfies, but this was the best I could do! No filters were used & my hair has been in a ponytail since the pandemic started because my last haircut was around Thanksgiving 2019! That's pretty sad...huh!  During the pandemic I learned how to cut my hubby's & both of my boys hair, but not my own! Since I did get my 2nd vaccine, I will wait a few weeks then FINALLY make an appointment to treat myself! :) 
P.S.S. my t-shirt was not mirror was dirty! lol....   Like I said, "unexperienced" selfie taker!


  1. Cute tag! Love the plaid and pretty bow!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  2. I never know that yellow and blue could bond so well. You made a fantastic creation Emma! Cheers for your big 50 celebration! Have not had the vaccine, after reading your experience am having second thoughts (afraid of needles)

    1. don't be afraid my friend! TRUST ME, I did not want the shot, but one day I will share my story & you will understand why I did it! ALSO, the NUMBER ONE reason I did it is for my parents! My Dad is 92 years & he is too weak to handle the vaccine. :(. So I will do ANYTHING to keep BOTH of my parents safe! ❤️ So my pain & suffering was well worth it!

  3. Happy Birthday, Miss Emma. 50 looks good on you....good selfie or not. LOL I can't take those either.

  4. Happy belated 50th birthday, glad to hear that your health issues have been resolved. Congrats on your first selfie, I turned 45 in March and have never taken one.

  5. Looking FAB at 50! You are awesome! So glad you are feeling better! Darling tag! and your selfie is great :)

  6. Darling tag! Love the colors and that cute bow!
    I hope you had a fun birthday! So glad to hear that you are feeling better!

  7. Happy, happy birthday, Miss Emma! Didn't see that part of your blog till after I watched your video! Lol Linda Hott

  8. Well Hello Miss Emma….OMG Happy 50. And girl Your photo is Cutie Prootie and what Gorgeous Hair!! If you said guess how old I am this year ida guessed 35!! In love your Note card tag..Gosh it’s so Beautiful and what a Brilliant ide?..gosh thanks for more inspiration as you showcase how versatile your goodies are!! Love the colors and what a stunning look for sure!! Glad you’re back and so missed your!! Glad your feeling much better ….power theu prayer!! HUGS!!! YOU SO ROCK!!!

  9. Glad to see you back and glad all is well now. Happy belated birthday!!! Love your selfie. At least you tried - and they'll only get better!


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