All I have to say is, what a "Roller Coaster" ride of emotions this has been for all of us! Here is the latest~ Doctors ruled out Stroke & Heart Attack, but I am completely CONFUSED & BAFFLED (not to mention NOT HAPPY) by what these doctors, nurses & neurologists have told us! The neurologist said that the MRI shows that my hubby has a "Brain Aneurysm".:( Then late lastnight, they gave him one more test & the "Nurse" came in & said "Guess what, he doesn't have an aneurysm"??!!!!!!! FIRST of all, why aren't the Doctors telling me this, isn't this their job to do so??? At this point, I was VERY ANGRY!!! I said that the neurologist had DREW a Picture of what it looked like, told us what size it was & how the specialist were going to fix it!!!!! Now, the nurse doesn't say much after this!!! So WHAT IS THE ANSWER PEOPLE??? Does he have one, or does he NOT??? It's just really frustrating because you trust them to tell you the "Facts" & when they have conflicting stories, it's NOT good! Needless to say, I told them & I ALSO talked to that neurologist & let her know that I was NOT happy, I want another opinion to get to the bottom of this!!!! My poor hubby is very scared right now, as well as myself:( I just CANNOT imagine another episode like he experienced happening again! My hubby did come home lastnight & we will start all over again on Monday to find out what caused this to happen! I want to THANK ALL OF YOU for your SWEET emails, facebook messages, comments, thoughts, prayers, etc..... I have been reading them all, I just haven't had the energy to respond to every single one of them. All of this is just "Emotionally Draining":( I'm done crying, I'm more upset because now it's another waiting game & PLEASE pray that we get some "CORRECT" answers soon! I will NOT settle for anything less! This Man is "My Life" & I just CANNOT imagine my world without him in it! So again, Please continue to pray for us, I TRULY TRULY APPRECIATE IT my Sweet Friends~ Thank you.

I hope you will get the answer you deserve! My prayers are with you and your family.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOMGosh, Emma! How scary! I hope that they find the right diagnosis quickly! Sending you and your family lots of prayers and positive thoughs! Let us know how he is doing when you can. {{{ HUGS }}}
ReplyDeleteI am praying that God dispels the confusion and that you get some answers in a hurry. Is it possible God answered prayer and healed that aneurysm? I pray that is the case.
I have dealt with multiple doctors and been hospitalized multiple times over the last 9 years of living with MS and spinal cord damage and all I can tell you is that you have to be your own advocate-question, question, question and I don't care how trustworthy your medical team is, you must trust your own instincts and don't worry about offending them with your questions.
Blessings on your husband and household!
I agree about being an advocate and don't be afraid to speak out. I'm so sorry about this scary time, and praying for clarity and answers from the doctors once and for all.
ReplyDeleteGod bless!
Sending much love and prayers your way. I hope this is all resolved very soon. You are all in my thoughts. Love, Cathryn67 :)
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it seems the greater the technology the greater the list of things to interpret and misinterpret.. I pray that you get to the bottom of a definite diagnosis. It is always best to be proactive in you own health care. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteOh Emma, I can only imagine how upset and PO'ed you and your hubby must be. I would be too. I hope they give you a right answer soon. And it is something that can be cleared up fairly easy. My thoughts are with you both.
Melissa D
My Goodness what a nightmare. You and your family are in my prayers and I hope you get some conclusive answers soon and that he will be fine.
ReplyDeleteHugs and Prayer
my brother in law had an aneurysm this summer but it was in an artery below the heart. The artery was beginning to split. He ended up in a coma for awhile but Praise God he is fine now. It hit him fast and hard. It doesn't make sense what they are saying to you so good for you for getting a 2nd opinion!!
ReplyDeleteikennic at q dot com
Continuing to pray and also asking God to deliver the right people with the right answers. Hold on Emma - we all love you!
ReplyDeleteJenny Kozar
I will keep you in my prayers Emma! There are so many illnesses, health problems, and just problems in the world today! But the bible does give us a hope for the future :)
ReplyDeleteOops, my email is and url is
ReplyDeleteI tried clicking on my name and it took me to a page that said i was a phishing site! So just wanted to correct that
How frustrating! I will definitely be praying that you get some answers soon! Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteWe will continue to pray. Good for you for demanding more answers. Keep asking, keep prodding, keep getting more opinions. Consider taking someone else with you to the next appt. just to be able to relay all of the info. back to you later. It's hard to take it all in and process it without bits and pieces missing. Hang in there, hug your boys and put your arms around hubby!
ReplyDeleteHang in there! I have to believe the doctors will find the answers you need.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that your family is going through this right now. We are all praying for you guys. I know doctors are very frustrating and I hope everything will be ok.
ReplyDeleteHi Again Emma.... Like I said in yesterday's comments I've been through this.... Although my hubby did end up having a stroke at 36yrs. old... they only check the basics out and when it doesn't make much sense they kind of take forever coming out with the real problem... after my hubby had been tested for all the reg. stuff associated with his numbness and such I MADE them test him for EVERYTHING under the sun!!! They drew soooo much blood from him after I complained we finally found out he had Protein S Deficiency! And that is what caused his problems.... Ask them to test his blood for that and also Protein C Deficiency.... it's a horrible experience to go through and I know ALL to well.... My husband is my life as well and now he is disabled and I care for him and our 3 children.... if you can get his blood tested for everything.... you will find the problem! I'm praying for your family.... I don't want to see what happen to me and my family happen to you! Keep a close watch on your man this weekend... Prayers my friend!
ReplyDeleteOh Emma I am so sorry you and your family have to go thru this. It just is torture not knowing. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. Advocate and don't take no for an answer....just keep pushing until you get what you need. Just a thought but has he been tested for Lyme Disease?
ReplyDeletePrayers for you and your family.
Continued prayers for your family, Emma. Aaron is a very blessed man to have a loving, determined wife. Keep demanding an answer. Hugs and lots of prayers!
Ugh, how frustrating for both of you, Emma! I pray you get answers soon!
ReplyDeleteEmma I hope you get the answer very soon! Stay calm my prayers are with you and your family!
thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Emma!! continue to speak up and QUESTION!! Get a 2nd and 3rd opinion if needed. Keep us posted when you can.
Emma, we are all praying for you! I really can understand your frustration. Go with what your gut is telling you. And you are right NO nurse should be coming in and telling you that he does not have a brain aneurysm. That is the Dr. responsibility.
ReplyDeleteEmma plz also have your husband check for a virus that could have be hibernating inside of him for a very long time. I work with someone that this same thing happened to. After all the test and going to the Mayo Clinic it was discovered that it was that...Have hope there will be an end you just need to stay strong and question everything
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry your family is going through this right now I pray that you get answers very soon. Just know we all love you and are here for you. thank you for keeping us posted.
Praying sweet Emma!!!
ReplyDeletelots of love!!!
I can only imagine how frustrated and scared you are Emma. Will continue to keep you guys in my prayers.
You go girl! You absolutely have to advocate for yourself and your family members! Don't settle for anything else other than perfection.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter had a near fatal accident and I spent EVERY SECOND there with her because doctors and nurses are human and make errors. BIG ones! Within the first couple of days, I kept telling them that my daughter wasn't right and she wasn't talking or trying to and was making a weird face. Well, I was right! She started seizing and posturing and went WAY backwards! From that point on, I was quite the B...I mean advocate! Don't be scared to tell them how it is!
I'm proud of you! So many just take their word for it.
God bless you, your hubby and family. Answers will come soon.
nginerd at gmail dot com
Hi Emma,
ReplyDeleteI have been checking your blog every chance I had today at work and once I got home from work. I am so sorry you and your family are going thru this. I have been keeping your family in my prayers. It can be fustrating dealing with doctors, I work with them on a daily basis. I agree with the other post keep asking questions and go with your gut if that is getting a second opinion then you do it. Keep us posted
Hang in there and hopefully the doctors will get to the bottom of it. Hospitals can be very frustrating.
ReplyDeleteYou have my prayers and spiritual support. Regardless of the distance, what ever you need. I am willing to help. Getting a 2nd medical diagnosis is always helpful and reassuring. I know you'll get the confident answers you need. Scrappin' Gypsy Hugs to You my/our Sweet Emma. Smooches... Felicia
ReplyDeleteEmma I hope you get some answers soon! From my story I wouldn't give up until I get the answer. When I was pregnant with my little girl I had pain that I felt like I was dying and the Dr's just told me it was acid reflux,they didn't know what was wrong with me. I had to go to 5 Drs. to find out that I almost died because my gallbladder stopped working! Now I am better, Don't give up until you find the right answers. Sending Prayers to your family:)
ReplyDeleteOh Emma, how scary and frustrating. I'm glad you let them know how you felt. Sometimes I think they don't really consider how frightened and upset people are. I will continue to pray for you and your family and that you will get the correct answers that you are in need of. Lots of love! Hugs- Glora
ReplyDeleteOh Emma. My prayers go out to you and your family. I will be praying for you every day, and night.
ReplyDeleteI think they have my name down as "the B" on my husband's file, but now he gets excellent care every time we're there.
Stay strong, and never be afraid to ask questions.
Take care my friend ......
Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted! my T&P are with you in your search for answers.
Im glad Aaron is home and you could care for him from sweet home, second opinions are always the best way to go when your not clear of the diagnosis...
ReplyDeleteI work in the medical field, and I dont understand why the nurse has to be the one to tell you, the so call good news if she will not have the answer to all the questions you now have.. that a doctors job, hope that this other Neurologist will be able to give you more answers..
Let's pray that there well not be another episode of the symptoms he had.. that this just was a one time thing..
sending you a strong hug..
How absolutely frustrating for you and your husband. I pray that you find an answer soon, so you can work on getting it corrected. You have lots of friends praying for both of you.
ReplyDeleteI will continue to pray Emma.. we have a BIG GOD and HE knows what's happening.. keep your focus on HIM.. hugs
ReplyDeleteEmma, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI am praying that everything turns out well for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteSending hugs and prayers and more hugs and prayers.
ReplyDeleteEmma I will keep praying for your husband...I couldn't imagine life without my hubby either.I will be praying for all of you. Prayers are coming your way....big hugs
I'm continuing to pray for healing, also for a peace of all understanding to cover you and your family. Hang in there Emma, it is trials like these that will strengthen you, your hubby and family. Know we are hear to hear your concerns. Love you, Cheryl
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear what you are going through. It is so terrifying when you are relying on the docs for info. and they contradict themselves. Don't let anyone do anything without the 2nd opinion! I'm glad to hear you're sticking up for your hubby and his medical care. You are your best advocate!
Will keep you in my prayers.
Emma, God Bless you and your family. I hope and pray that you get some answers soon because there is nothing worse than the unknown. I have a friend who is going through the same thing. Was told he had a brain aneurysm and now they think he may has MS but they are still not sure. Meanwhile he goes to test after test. Continue to be persistent and get the answers you deserve.
ReplyDeleteEmma, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Keep your sights pointed toward the Lord, he will guide you through. I know how hard and frustrating this is, stay strong and the power of prayer is so mighty!
ReplyDeleteOh my I am right with you Emma!
ReplyDeleteI would be mad too! I am still praying for you and that you find the right Dr.that knows what he's doing and NOT just practicing medicine.
Emma..I am sending you all my positive thoughts and I am praying the drs will give you the correct answers to your questions. You have every right to demand the best care for your husband...don't let them provide anything less than that. We are all here supporting are not alone!!! Bev B
ReplyDeleteEmma I am so sorry for what you and your family are going threw, especially the boys. I think you are doing the right thing. Monday go for a second opinion. Better to be safe. See what they tell you. Stay strong and be calm. We are here for you. My prayers will continue. Big HUG!
Praying you get correct answers. None of the possible diagnoses sound very good to me, and you definitely should get another opinion. I am keeping your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteKathy Brockman
I will continue to pray for you, my creative friend. Try not to have fear. Hold God's hand, and He will get you through this bumpy ride.
Mary Jane
Emma you go for a 2nd, 3rd, even 4th opinion if you have to. As a former R.N. I would NEVER take it upon myself to relay this info to a patient. Just remember you are your husband's best advocate. Be persistent until you are comfortable not only with the diagnosis but also with the Doctor you will be working with. I will be keeping you and yours in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that your hubby is home. I think you are doing the right thing. Get the answers that you deserve girl. Hope everything turns out ok. Prayers coming your way!tretr
ReplyDeleteEmma, I'm so sorry that they're not giving you straight answers. I think Dr. tend to forget what being a patient feels like. My prayers & positive thoughts are going out to you & your family.... ~Hugs~
Hang in there Emma, and know that we are all praying for you and your family. I hope you get the right answers on Monday. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get to the bottom of all these tests and get your prayers answered with some good news. Keeping you both in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteYou do what it takes Emma, sadly we sometimes do need to question doctors leaving no stone unturned. Thinking of all of you and keep you in our prayers
ReplyDeleteJeanette xx
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you get some answers quickly. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteOh Emma, I am so sorry you and your family are going through this.
ReplyDeleteI went through something very similar about a year ago.
My husband had sudden numbness in one side and we took him to the ER and at first they couldn't diagnose it either. They ruled out a stroke or heart attack and sent him home. He only got worse and by the next day he was almost completely paralyzed and I had to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital because he couldn't walk and I couldn't get him in the car.
I was so scared and had no clue what was going on.
We were fortunant the second time, the Doctor recognized some of hubby's symptoms and ordered a spinal tap as he suspected Guillian Barre Syndrome. He was right the test confirmed it. Don't know if you have ever heard of Guillian Barre, but it's fairly rare and many Doctors never even see it in their careers. My husbands Doctor said he was only the second case he had ever seen in his 30+ year career. The symptoms of it mimick a stroke for sure and because my husband has diabetes it made diagnosis even harder because the first Dr. thought he had Diabetic Neuropathy.
Here is a link from the Mayo clinic with more info on it:
I don't want to scare you, but if he does have's imperative that he gets to a hospital right away. My husband was only hours away from being intubated (put on a breathing tube), because the first Dr. missed the symptoms and he could have stopped breathing.
This disease basically paralyzes every muscle/nerve in your body and even though there is a high rate of survival, it needs to be treated right away to avoid long term after effects and healing outcome.
I pray that he does not have I said I don't want to scare you, just want you to be aware. My husband and I were blessed that God brought him through it and even though it took him over 6 months to recover, he has very little residual effects left from the disease and was able to go back to work.
I will be praying for you all Emma!
Lisa H.
lisastuf at gmail dot com
One more thing Emma, check this page on Mayo Clinic lists the symptoms of Guillian Barre:
Hang in there Emma everything will be ok god will work the power of healing over your hubby have faith and you will see gods power amen.Praying for your family.Hugs
ReplyDeleteEmma, I am so sorry. I know what your going though. Not knowing is such a horrible feeling. A person rather know what is wrong and deal with it weather good or bad but when know one can tell you whats wrong, I think is worse. I speak from experience. Hang in there sweetie. I will continue to pray for answers for you. The power of prayer is powerful. Keep us posted when you can. Angie P.S. I will sport your badge/button next week at the Cricut Stampede. :)
ReplyDeleteGood for you Emma, sometimes those doctors and nurses don't think of how they come about and say things then chance it and expect you to deal with it. Stand your ground.
ReplyDeleteMy husband one time had numbness in his arm and a bad headache, they said it was a stroke or heart attack gave him pills, but he didn't take them and went and seen a specialist. Good thing he didn't as it was stress and he didn't have a stroke or heart attack the medication they gave him would of killed him the specialist said. Needless to say we refuse that doctor here now when any of us go in.
Prayer for you all that they find the problem and it is something simple that can be taken care of right away. Keep your chin up and stay strong we are all here behind you praying for you husband.
angel hugs
You KNOW I'm holding your hand every second of the day Emma! You are right to be angry and the hospital should be ashamed to treat to you like this. I hope Monday will give you the answers and comfort you both need. Be strong, be forceful and be persistent! Sending big hugs across the Pond to you both! Love Viv xxx
ReplyDeleteEmma, I'm so sorry you're both having to endure this uncertainty. Be strong, keep fighting, and being the voice of your family!
ReplyDeleteContinued prayers for knowledgeable/skilled doctors, timely answers, Aaron's healing, and peace, comfort, and strength for all.
Sending cyber hugs to you!
Sending you love and prayers.
I know how you must feel.I have a 24 year old son that has been back and forth with doctors for most of his life.first they say he has this then no he dont .It can be very hard when you dont know whats going on.My prays are with you.Hope you gets some good news soon.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your family
Emma, so sorry to hear you can't get the answers you need. Keep doing what you are doing. Demand to find out what is wrong. Your strength will get you thru this. My prayers are with you and your family.
ReplyDeleteYou may want to see a couple more neurologists for evaluation. Just ask God to guide you in the right direction.Continue to pray. God Bless. K
ReplyDeleteEmma prayers are out for all your family. Be strong and don't loose faith. Put everything in the Lord's hand. Blessings.
ReplyDeletePraying for both of you as well as the doctors!
ReplyDeleteEmma I wish you and your hubby the best of getting to the bottom of all this this is his life your talking about I would feel the same way, he doesn't need anymore worries I will keep you all in my prayers I had a scare many yrs ago of not having any feeling in my mouth the side of my face was numm it was so scary they told me I had what was called Bell's Paulsy I though I was having a stroke lucky I wasn't it finally went away in a wk but just drain with doing all those test hang in there my friend Big Hugs and Prayers are being sent to you all !!
ReplyDeleteOh Emma! What an ordeal! Praying for continual strength for you as his advocate, strenghth for him to withstand this ordeal & fight the fears that creep in and wisdom for the doctors & the rest of the medical team to find out what is the true diagnosis & the correct treatment or treatments needed. And, above all for the Great Physician we all have in heaven to place His healing hands on Aaron for a complete healing & His hands on the next medical team for guidance in the true diagnosis.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you have to go thru this. I would definitely get 2nd opinion. We trust doctors with our lives and they can't give us the correct answers. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have answers soon.
So glad to know that your dear sweet hubby is home and doing better...but deserve to have a 100% correct diagnosis!!! I can only imagine the emotional rollercoaster you've been sorry! Hugs to you all and hope you get the correct info to put your mind at rest! My thoughts and prayers will be with you!
I hope you get the answers you deserve from the doctors. I will be praying for strength for you, your husband and family. God Bless you :)
ReplyDeleteOn Monday, find another specialist in your insurance plan. I strongly suggest 2nd opinions. Good luck! Get some definitive answers and then I would suggest writing a letter to the neurology group that first saw your husband and explain your experience, in writing.
ReplyDeleteEmma sending prayers and hugs your way for you and your family. It is better to start over and get that second opinion.
Unbelievable how doctors can make errors.
Good luck to your hubby
I believe in the Power Of Prayer and that God works looks like He worked one with your husband !! Continuing to pray...
ReplyDeletexoxo Joy
Wow Emma that is crazy. Not knowing is always the worst part. I hope you find answers soon. And I pray that he continues to feel better and your life can go back to normal.
ReplyDeletehugs and lots of prayers your way!
2nd opinions are a MUST!! and I suggest someone from another Nuero Ofice and Hospital...Mistakes, Errors, and OPINIONS are not an option here!!! FACTS ONLY !!! I know there will be some unknown but there are facts to be learned. God give you strength and insight through all of this and solemn peace for you and your family ...My heart goes out to you as wellas my prayers
ReplyDeleteI will continue to pray. And good for you...stay mad until someone listens to you. And the dotor who drew a picture of this invisible anurysm should not be alowed to practice if it is proven that he doesn't have one. I don't advocate law suits, but this guy needs to know that he must be more careful!Take care of yourself Emma, Aaron and the boys need you.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Jessica
Oh my gosh, what a frightening situation!!!! Continued prayer for your hubby and family. Also that you find another doctor who can answer this once and for all....and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. {{{{HUGS}}}} I can't even imagine what you're going through. :( All the best to you!! Hang in there, sweetie!!!
Emma, I just now read about your hubby - it definitely is a difficult time and I pray with all my heart for your hubby and you to have the strength to get threw this episode in your life together. The medical field is very confusing and wish answers would be simple, but unfortunately that is not the case. Hang in there and prayer a heck of alot. I will be praying for your family during this ordeal. Hugs and Kisses to all.
ReplyDeleteThoughts, prayers, and reiki coming your way for you and your husband. Demanding a second opinion is a wise choice. Hugs to all of you, eileen
ReplyDeleteSending lots of thoughts and prayers your whole familys way!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Keep seeking the answers you need. I pray that you find the answers soon. God Bless
Emma, I'm so sorry to hear what's happening with your Hubby and can totally relate. As my Hubby suffered 4 strokes 1 week after our marriage and I was devastated. Not only by how much memory he had lost (it was all mental no physical damage) but of the Doctors and their lack of figuring out the cause. After many days/weeks of tests the diagnose was that he had a whole in his heart from birth, and though he had lead a healthy life for 40 years he had these strokes due to it. It was a long 6 months of tests and surgeries and meds. But he fully recovered, I sat with him day after day in the hospital going through Kindergarten to 5th grade workbooks to help him reconnect to the information that was locked up in his brain. They said if he didn't unlock the info in 3 months he'd lose it all. Now we will be married 8 years this coming May and he's happy and healthy.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you and your family for I know how hard and scary this is. Be strong, have faith and most important take care of yourself, you are his strength now.
I send you much love and healing light and pray you will get an answer soon so he can recover and move forward with his life.
Blessed be Emma!
Emma, you keep standing your ground until you get the answers you need. Conflicting reports are not the answer. I will continue to pray every day for your hubby to get well soon. Hope the boys are hanging in there too.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you are going through this, I will continue to Pray for your family and for the doctors to find an answer. Please stay positive and continue to demand answers! Much Love!!!
OMG Emma how scary for you and your family! You should seek as many opinions as you need to get the right answers and find a doctor that you can be comfortable with. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Big hugs to you all.
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Emma, You keep ASKING QUESTIONS until you get the RIGHT answers no matter how many doc's you have to pursue.I am an R.N. and was diagnosed with a brain tumor not 1x but twice.The last one being almost 3yrs ago. Believe me you HAVE to believe in your doctor and if you don't keep searching. I was lucky being in the health care field starting from being a nurse's aide to an R.N. did help but I felt very confident and still feel very confident and close to my neurosurgeon. This is his brain it just dosen't go away so you cry,shout,swear,screem do whatever you have to to show the doctors you want answers the RIGHT ANSWERS. Google the symptoms on line if you have to;go to another hospital;go to another state; but you both have to feel comfortable w/the doctor. Don't take any crap Emma. I know what you and hubby are going through. It is a scary scary thing dealing with the brain. But you are a loving and smart woman Emma you both love each other and together you will do what you have to. My husband and children were insrumental in my decisions and surgeries.The most important is PRAYERS Emma. Pray for strength and guidence and HE will help you. If I can help you in any way please feel free to email me. I love your site and what you do for us crafters-let us help you. GOD BLESS YOU BOTH. Love Gayle.
ReplyDeleteHi Emma I'm so happy your hubby is home!! I understand how frustrating must be for you not have an answer, but your are a strong woman!! just keep demanding and asking question :)
ReplyDeleteI spend more than 8 months trying to get and answer about my headaches, they told me I had a Brain Aneurysm but after a year of testing and every 3 moths having a MRA my headaches didn't go away. after so many doctors they found out I have Hypoglycemia!!
so I know what you and Aaron are going through. I will continue praying for you and your hubby :)
I know he must be so proud of you (((hugs)))
Emma-Thanks for updating all of us. I am thinking of you and your family. I hope you get your answers soon. Hang in there and know that many thoughts are with you-disneygirl in AZ
ReplyDeleteSo I was going to post the other day when I read your first post about the symptoms your husband was having. About nine years ago my husband was sitting up at the table to eat and he started to get a headache and then one side of his face down to his arm started going numb. It was very scary as he was a very young and healthy 26 year old. He went to the doctor and they started doing tests. They thought they found a bulge in his brain. Their first diagnosis was an aneurysm. They wanted to be sure, as that is a very scary diagnosis. As the tests continued it was harder and harder to see anything. Finally, days later, they did a dye test to make sure they were seeing the right thing. They found nothing. They believe whatever it was, it went away. We believe it was a miracle. I don't know what his body reacted too, but it was very real and very scary. For ten years this has been in the back of our minds, will it ever happen again? What exactly did happen? I wish I could tell you that we found all our answers, but we didn't. However, even with those nagging questions in the back of my mind, I have felt much peace. I know that what was and is suppose to happen, did. We have been very blessed since, and are grateful everyday for our time together. I believe everything we go through can teach us so much, and maybe we were just taking life for granted. We don't do that so much. We are keeping you in our prayers, and I know things will work out for the best for you and your family. Just know I've been there--at least for a little bit.
I do hope they get to the bottom of this real soon, keep on pushing for other Dr.'s to take a look at him.
ReplyDeleteObama Care at work !!!!
Screwing up the whole system.
God Bless you and your hubby and family.
Oh Emma...i am sorry that you still don't have the answeres you need so much!! I will continue praying and hoping!!!
Oh Emma my prayers are with you guys. You have every right to be angry and I definitely would be looking for a second opinion. If there is anything we bloggers can do please let us know.
I hope you find some answers soon.
ReplyDeleteAww Miss Emma you know we still have you in our thoughts and prayers. Hugss Victoria
ReplyDeleteJust heard about your husband. I am praying for him and you and your family.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Emma-I've been through something very similiar and it is NOT fun and VERY frustrating. Neurologists have God complexes and some nurses are cold and unsympathetic. I have your family in my prayers. Stick to your gut instincts with every decision and ASK everything you need to to understand what's happening and to help your DH get through. I pray this will be a brief experience and you will soon be on to happier days. Best wishes-a crafty friend Cathie
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that you are going through all of this Emma. I hope your hubby feels better and that the doctors figure out what happened. All those conditions mentioned to you is enough to scare you but to be told afterwards that it was a mistake cannot be easy.
ReplyDeleteDo your research. Try to narrow it down to what may have the same symptoms as your hubby and bring it to the doctors and ask them if it might be that. Yes they are doctors but sometimes as patients we know our bodies (or that of our loved ones) a little bit better than them. I always think it's best to figure out what it may be. Don't start self diagnosing by all means!
I suffer from extreme migraines. From time to time my speech can get slurred. i thought at some point it was a stroke but it was just my migraines causing it. I'm no doctor here but I was able to figure this out myself and when I presented the possibility to my doctor he agreed.
You and your hubby are in my thoughts. Keep us posted and I am positive the next time we hear from you it will be positive news.
Take care,
Emma xoxo
Praying you will get the answers you need and that Aaron deserves, Ms.Emma
Still praying for you and your family! Not knowing is the hardest part, I hope you find out soon. Stay strong.
ReplyDeleteYou have good reasons to be confused, frustrated, mad and scared...hope this weekend is smooth and you do get the answers you both deserve early this week. Hugs
ReplyDeleteOh Emma! I'm so sorry about what you are going through! I wish I could wrap my arms around you and take your pain away. Please know that I am praying for all of you. I believe, so much, in the power of prayer and how much it helps. Thanks for keeping us updated. Don't even try to respond to every message sent your way! It's not necessary! You just take care of your sweet family. Sending BIG hugs :)
ReplyDeleteAm still praying for you guys. I hope all will be well soon and you can get some kind of answers and not be stressed and can get back to your wonderful creative self.
ReplyDeleteluv ya,
Vickie in N.C.
Emma, My thoughts with you and your hubby. I know how hard this is. I have been there before. Hang in ther sweetie. You are super strong and I hope for the BEST!!!!.
ReplyDeleteAll of my positive thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
ReplyDeleteBridget L
I am so sorry about all the trouble with the docs as if you weren't going through enough already!I completely understand what you are going through we got in a horrible accident and the first doctor came and said that my hubby broke the first and thrid vertabrae in his back and he would need emergancy surgery and probably would not be able to walk so they prepped him for surgery and just as they were about to take him to cut him up the nurse came and said that the second x ray they took did not show any fractures!!!! Seriously shouldn't they make sure before they cut someone open!
ReplyDeleteSometimes instead of helping they create more stress, I want you to know that we are all here for you and your family and I am thinking and praying for you all everyday!!
Keep strong, I know everything is going to turn out ok, be hopeful!
Emma, that is very scary, when I was 8 months pregnant with my son my husband had blood sugar over 1000, luckily he went to the ER when he did, we had no idea he was diabetic, or why he wasnt feeling well. with sugar over 1000 he should have been in a coma! he was in ICU after being admitted from the ER (I went to work, after all we had a baby on the way and needed $$ still) after work I went to see him in ICU and the volunteer was making comments... she was not a nurse or anything she just keeps watch on the door, only so many people are aloud to go in ICU, she asked me who i was seeing and she made a face and said oh im so sorry.. I had no idea what was going on! I just stated balling... it was so scary just waiting to see him. once he was put in a normal room we had a Dr consult with a specialist, he came in the room and stated yelling at us, telling my husband he was going to die and never see our son! I was outraged! I couldn't believe this "professional" would say that! I really should have reported him, I am sure I could have gotten him in a TON of trouble, I was working for the Head of the hospital board at the time.
ReplyDeletesorry for going of on my rant, but I truly can understand what you are going threw. You and your family are in our prayers, keep on top of these doctors, you pay them they work for YOU!
Oh so sorry for the incompetence of this doctors Emma!! but glad that your hubby is doing better!!
ReplyDeleteYou all are in my thoughts and prayers. You deserve to get the right answers and I pray you do quickly...
emma, i am so very sorry. i hope is not an aneurysm. i have a brain one and is no fun at all. sometimes i feel like i am walking with a timed bomb in me.
ReplyDeleteyou all are in my prayers. hang in there. be strong. he needs you a lot right now.
I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find the answers soon.
ReplyDeleteMuch love, Lisa
Emma, stand your ground until you have answers. My friend's husband had a brain aneurysm and had to have surgery. He is doing well today because they caught it early enough. You and your sweet hubby are in my prayers.