GOOD MORNING & HAPPY MONDAY my sweet friends!
I hope you had an AWESOME weekend!
Before we get to the AWESOME pages, I just want to share a few things!
First up, I just wanted to let you all know that all orders that were placed on Fri thru Sat afternoon have gone out today! The rest will go out tomorrow! The process was a little bit slower over the weekend because last week I was sick all week :( Bronchitis hit all of us in my house! All of us took turns each week being sick! lol….. I was the last one for it to hit. I had some other issues going on where I had barely slept for 4 days... NOT GOOD. :( Let's just say that my Dr. prescribed me 2 medications & I FINALLY had a FULL NIGHT's sleep Friday night! I started to finally feel BETTER too! So my Mom & my son did almost all of the packing of orders for me over the weekend. THANK GOD for them! I was able to help too, but not much. I have NO IDEA "HOW" I even made it through last week….but somehow I did! ;)
Keep in mind, the mail is taking a few extra days to reach everyone, so be patient & I promise your happy mail will be in your mailbox in no time at all!
With that said, I wanted you all to know that I am going to take this week off from making projects or doing videos. I need to "re-group" & get myself back to 100% again! But NO WORRIES, because you will STILL see GORGEOUS projects here from my AMAZING design team this week! I will post their projects here on my blog, but I will not not have anything made for you.
I will be back w/my regular schedule of projects & videos for you next week~!
Now onto my pics you see here! I was so upset & disappointed with myself that I had missed 2 of Anthony's games from being sick. So yesterday I was able to get out & watch his tournament! It was SO NICE to be some where OTHER than a Doctor's office for a change! hehehe! ;) After winning all 3 games yesterday, they took 1st place in the tournament! I was SO VERY PROUD of them! This is Anthony's first championship win w/his new team! This here made up for the few games that I missed!
Okay, now onto my AMAZING team! Don't forget to click on each name to visit each blog to see more pics!
Thank you ALL for stopping by! I will announce the lucky winner from the blog hop here tomorrow! Have a FABULOUS day my sweet friends! xoxo's
P.S. If any of you have any questions, I will be answering my emails! So I will not be completely absent! ;) hehehe!